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Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting Bin Laden: A detailed account in the New Yorker

Neither Democrats or Republicans in Congress seemed enthusiastic for the developing debt ceiling deal early Monday, and average New Yorkers in Midtown seemed to echo their lawmakers' sentiments. NY1's Kristen Shaughnessy filed the following report.

By Jim Higgins of the Journal Sentinel "The SEALs' destination was a house in the small city of Abbottabad, which is about a hundred and twenty miles across the Pakistan border. Situated north of Islamabad, Pakistan's capital, Abbottabad is in the

Comrades! Harken to the words of Commissar, I mean Congressman, Louie Gohmert (R-TX Oblast) explaining why he agreed to vote for Boehner.

New Yorkers on Tuesday found little reason to celebrate Congress' debt-ceiling deal, with some expressing concern about what the $2 trillion in cuts will do to domestic programs. "I want Social Security when it's my time. I worry about my kids and the

Comrades! Harken to the words of Commissar, I mean Congressman, Louie Gohmert (R-TX Oblast) explaining why he agreed to vote for Boehner.

View the original article here

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