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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Youtube Launches Creator’s Playbook: No More Crappy Content?

The quality of the content is very much a key part of attracting quality advertisers, and Youtube is starting to raise the bar on content.

Creators Playbook YoutubeGone are the days when grainy, amateur videos dominated Youtube. Today, much of the content on Youtube seems to be produced by people who have Hollywood-type production budgets—sort of.  Whilst the occasional mobile upload of a baby laughing still goes viral, Youtube is now encouraging producers to ramp up their efforts.

In an effort to encourage the creation of higher quality content, Youtube has made available what is dubbed the ‘Creator’s Playbook’.  The 70 page guide outlines the approach producers should take when making videos for youtube, as well as what sort of features they can use to make their videos stand out. The comprehensive guide is broken down into 3 sections covering, Programming & Producing, Publishing & Optimization, and Community & Social Media.

There is, however, a caveat. Youtube is making it very clear that use of the playbook does not constitute in any way a guarantee of success. The playbook is really just a guide on what Youtube considers ‘best practices’. Still, a reference guide is useful and should help struggling Youtube producers get their videos noticed.

Youtube has been an outlet for people who otherwise wouldn’t have one. Indeed, Youtube can be considered the vanguard of the online video revolution. Let’s just hope that the Creators Playbook is not a harbinger of a more ‘commercial’ focused Youtube. User-generated content is what built Youtube and it would be a shame if it started to favor the bigger video producers.

Watch the video below to see an example of the type of high quality content Youtube is looking for.


View the original article here

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